iLead in Any Room Podcast

EP51: Critical Race Theory: An In-Depth Conversation

Geoffrey V. Dudley, Sr., Ph.D., D.Min. Season 4 Episode 51

Critical Race Theory is a deep dive into how race has been used to divide and conquer. It is not an accident that the majority has remained in power since slavery and even before slavery. Power has been maintained by inculcating everyone to maintain the status quo and then using laws to normalize the power of the majority. This theoretical lens is now being used as a political wedge issue. This episode skillfully uncovers how and why with facts, figures and enlightening discussion.  Dr Dudley and Dr Emerson’s provocative conversation will empower some and infuriate others. Listen in!

Michael O. Emerson (Ph.D., University of North Carolina, 1991) is Professor and Head in the Department of Sociology at the University of Illinois Chicago. He has published widely in the areas of race, religion, and urban sociology.  He is the author of 15 books and nearly 100 other publications, secured over 7 million dollars in research grants, and has won several national awards for his research.  He is the married and the father of four children. He and his wife Joni attend New Community Covenant Church in Chicago.

Geoffrey V. Dudley, Sr., PhD, D.Min. has been leading and preparing to lead all his life. From leading his high school basketball team as co-captain, being voted Outstanding Senior of his graduating class at the University of NC at Greensboro, called to the ministry at age 13 to his 21½ years as an Air Force Officer retiring at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. He was consecrated a Bishop in 2019. Every church he has planted or provided ecclesiastical oversight has had exponential growth.  He is a John Maxwell Associate trainer. He has written four books: “How to Live My Life on Purpose”, 2017; “Morning Manna for Your Day;” 2017; “What’s My Ministry: What Does God Want From Me?”, 2013; and “Prayer: Answers Guaranteed”, 2009. He is an adjunct professor for Strategic Leadership at North Central University, Minneapolis, MN. He has started several businesses to include iLead Enterprises, LLC DBA  It is an online leadership development platform targeting staff and workforce development.  Changing Lives Ministries (CLM) is a consulting company specializing in leadership, vision casting, coaching and mentorship.  CLM also provides ecclesiastical oversight for a network of churches.  He is an ambidextrous and multi-gifted leader in that he is a community leader who has served on several boards including:

•        Focus St Louis

•        Greater St. Louis United Way

•        Greater St. Louis Urban League

•        Founding President of O’Fallon Metro East Branch NAACP

•        Local President of National CARES Mentoring Movement Metro East Cluster

•        United Congregations of the Metro East

•        Founding President of New Life Enterprises

Education includes:

  • 1981 – Bachelor of Arts, Communication, Drama & Speech, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
  • 1991 – Master of Divinity, School of Theology, Virginia Union University
  • 1992 – Master of Human Relations, University of Oklahoma
  • 1997 – Post Master Education Specialist, University of Memphis
  • 2000 – Doctor of Ministry, Samuel Dewitt Proctor School of Theology, Virginia Union University
  • 2019 – PhD in Organizational Leadership, Regents University

Bishop Dudley is the Vice-President of the Central Western District of the United Holy Church of America, Inc. He is also the UHC General Church Liaison Bishop for Education.  He is the founding pastor of one of the fastest growing churches in the Metro East (O’Fallon, IL) area of St. Louis

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